
Alumni Stories: Zach

“My parents thought it was unusual, but I became interested in injuries...specifically how athletes get hurt and how to treat injuries,” recalls alum Zach Wight.

His curiosity about sports injuries now makes a lot of sense, because he is currently about to graduate from Baylor University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology—with the intention of pursuing a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree.

Zach also appreciated sports early on at Hudson—he participated in almost every sport offered, and attributes valuable lessons about leadership and teamwork to those experiences. And while he always had a general interest in the biological life sciences, he remembers a specific “aha” moment at Hudson when his passion for health and medicine was truly sparked. “In my Grade 11 Biology class, we had to do a presentation, and I chose a project on the discovery of insulin. I went to the Banting House in London, Ontario to do research about the founder of insulin, Frederick Banting. I interviewed people and made a video, and my teacher was really enthusiastic about it.”

So enthusiastic, in fact, that when it was time to obtain his university recommendation letters, he says his teacher remembered it and cited his insulin project.

“She mentioned my project in her letter,” which he says is a testament to how caring and supportive Hudson teachers are.

While Zach began Hudson in Grade 5, he cites that what makes Hudson unique overall is its small size and the close-knit relationships everyone has with peers and teachers. He also appreciated how students could fully explore their interests and really focus on specific fields.

“At Hudson, it was the first time I was exposed to the natural sciences such as chemistry, biology, and physics and that’s when I decided biology was most enjoyable for me. I was even able to narrow down what kind of biology I was interested in.”

And narrowing down a few choices is something Zach is currently doing: in addition to the DPT program, he’s leaving an option open to follow the medical school path, but he's also making time to experience first-hand what types of medical careers are out there.

“I’m going to take a year to work in a clinical setting where I can be exposed to a bunch of different health careers. I really want to get broad experience and learn what it’s like to work in a professional healthcare environment,” and that, he says, will help him determine what to pursue next. 


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